The Teochew Store Blog / Chinese New Year
The Last Day of the Chinese New Year
Today is the 15th and last day of the Chinese New Year. Also called Tsap Ngou Meh 十五暝 or Nguang Siao Zoih 元宵節.
Teochews mark this day with prayers for the family, more feasting, riddle guessing games and open lantern parades. Because this day provided a rare opportunity for single young men and women to meet publicly in the past, it has also been compared as the "Chinese Valentine's Day".
On this beautiful note, we leave you with this wonderful Teochew language remix of Zhou Xuan's famous 1940 classic "Full Moon Blooming Flower" (月圓花好).
1987 Teochew Musical Movie - Sounds of Teochew 《潮人鄉音》
Have you ever watched a Teochew musical movie? Check out this rare classic that showcases a variety of Teochew art forms, including cross talk (相聲), bamboo clapper singing (竹板歌), Teochew classical music (潮州音樂), Teochew opera (潮劇), Teochew narrative songbooks (潮州歌冊), ballads (歌謠), etc.
Teochew Home News - A Publication of Our Own

Teochew Chinese New Year Song: "Home to Spend the New Year" 潮州-新年歌: 《回家過年》
This is Life in Shantou - Their New Year Wish is Paying Off Debt
No storefront, but only a handcart, two gas cylinders, eight wooden tables and some plastic chairs. That’s all they have to earn a living.
The owner of all these “treasures” is an old couple, 60-year-old Chen Shilong, and his 56-year-old wife Zheng Zhu. They sell rice noodles at a road intersection, opposite the Zhongshan Park in Jinping District in Shantou.
The couple came to Shantou with their children 20 years ago from the countryside of Jieyang...
Teochew Celebration of the Chinese New Year in Pictures【光影潮州】乡里热闹的春节
For the Teochews, the Chinese New Year is the grandest and most important festive period. All across the Teochew region, people mark the occasion with activities strongly rooted in local tradition. Through the camera lens of avid photographer Ling Shyue Miin, we bring you a series of extraordinary images capturing how villages in Teochew welcome the Year of the Monkey.
Teochew Chinese New Year Song 潮州新年歌曲:擔句好話賀新年
Not a exactly new New Year Song, but trendy and uplifting for all Gaginang. 祝福大家新年快樂,萬事如意
元宵特別節目:潮州大鑼鼓 Celebrating the End of Chinese New Year with the Teochew Big Drum
潮州人過年文化 Teochew Chinese New Year Customs