The Teochew Store Blog / Singapore
Teochew Puppetry: Sin Ee Lye Heng Puppet Troupe 新加坡新怡梨興潮剧团at Asian Civilisations Museum 8 March 2025
A masterful display of puppetry, live music and opera singing by Sin Ee Lye Heng Puppet Troupe 新加坡新怡梨興潮剧团(铁枝木偶剧团), which thoroughly entertained and mesmerised a healthy crowd of children and adults at the ACM (Asian Civilisations Museum).
The last remaining performers of the unique Teochew metal-rod puppetry in Singapore, Sin Ee Lye Heng keeps alive a performing art that has been part of the country’s heritage for at least a century. Hope our Teochew community will support them!
The Story Behind The Teochew Store
We thanks Ethos Diary, an inspiring student-led project from Singapore, for this interview with our The Teochew Store co-founder, Jason.
Exclusive interview|Ng Ziou-iang: Passing on the art of Teochew Paper-cutting with skilful hands and a dedicated heart.


潮州剪纸是潮州传统民间艺术之一。它展示了花果、鸟兽、人物、风景和文字图案等,具有非常浓厚的潮州文化特色。今年中秋节期间,来自中国潮安的潮州剪纸传人黄朝阳先生出席了新加坡潮安会馆举行的“花好月圆 潮安共庆中秋”活动,为来宾们展示了其精湛的剪纸艺术。“速剪”、“盲剪”等娴熟的剪艺让现场观众叹为观止。此外,黄朝阳先生还在潮安会馆开设了剪纸体验班,将潮州剪纸的历史、文化和技术毫无保留地传授给海外的学员们。
The 5th "Teochew Language Challenge" (来拚潮州话啦!)

The Fairy Serpent - a Teochew folklore given new life
Folklores have always been important in helping to preserve and transmit the identity and values of cultures.
The Fairy Serpent is a Teochew variant of “Beauty and the Beast”. It tells about the life of a girl whose virtues not only saved her father from evil but also transformed the serpent she was forced to marry into a kind-hearted man.
Originally collected in Adele Fielde’s Chinese Nights’ Entertainment (download for free here), this ageless story has been beautifully retold in a book by Huang Lei, a Teochew illustrator from Singapore.
You may read The Fairy Serpent in English from this link.
Or watch it in Teochew (with English or Chinese subtitles):
English subtitles
Mid-Autumn Festival Celebrations at the Singapore Teo Ann Huay Kuan 潮安會館
Mid-Autumn Festival Celebrations at the Singapore Teo Ann Huay Kuan 潮安會館. A night when families and traditions came alive for the young and the not-so-old ❤️❤️
Remembering Terence Tan: Preserving and Propagating Teochew Culture and History with a Sincere Heart

Mr Terence Tan was a Teochew collector from Singapore and an accomplished researcher of Teochew modern history. The mere mention of his name draws praise from people with a keen interest in Teochew cultural history. He collected and organised extensive volumes of documents, music records, and old photographs related to Teochew. He also edited a book titled Memories of Old Swatow and enthusiastically supported other researchers in publishing their work, including articles, books, and magazines. His contributions to the research and dissemination of Teochew cultural history were immense.
Even until the last days of his life in 2021, Terence was busy organising the materials he had on his computer to share with friends in various countries. In the blink of an eye, we approach the third anniversary of Terence’s passing. The Teochew Store reached out to his family and close friends, collecting documentary materials to revisit his acquaintance and contributions to Teochew cultural history through different perspectives.

Tensions between modernisation and cultural preservation: The Teochew Store presentation at Crescent Girls' School
The Teochew Store was honoured to be invited to present our experience in revitalising the Teochew language to a class of secondary three students participating in the Talent Development Programme (TDP) at Crescent Girls’ School, an esteemed secondary school in Singapore.
“来拼潮州话啦!” 2023年第四届潮语比赛圆满落幕
11月12日, “来拼潮州话啦!” 2023年第四届潮语比赛大决赛在新加坡醉花林俱乐部圆满落幕。本届比赛由醉花林俱乐部和潮州文史学会主办,以活泼有趣的方式让参赛者从中认识和了解潮州文化和古汉字,从而提升潮语知识。新加坡广播电台资深潮语新闻播音员林仰忠先生担任现场主持,著名潮语学家林伦伦教授担任线上嘉宾裁判。经过激烈的角逐,三甲最终脱颖而出:状元郑然, 榜眼夏静华,探花李庆耀。
感谢主办方的邀请,潮舗在比赛现场设展位,向来宾们展示并推介学习潮语的相关书籍,包括《新编潮州口语集释》、《呾呾潮州话》、《学呾潮州话》以及《我是潮州囝——精选一百二十潮语词语》- 多媒体早教图卡。
来拚潮州话啦! The 4th annual "Teochew Language Challenge" is here!
Calling all Teochews in Singapore! The 4th annual "Teochew Language Challenge" (来拚潮州话啦!) jointly organised by Chui Huay Lim Club (醉花林俱乐部) and Singapore Teochew Heritage Society (潮州文史学会) is here.
Are you keen to test how well you know the Teochew language and its written expressions? The preliminaries will be held on Zoom on 5th November 2023 and the final will be held at Chui Huay Lim Club on 12th November 2023.
Register on WhatsApp at the number shown on the poster before 2 November 2023. Hurry!

The Teochew Store and Maha Yu Yi jointly hold "Fun with Teochew" interactive introductory language class
On 7 October 2023, The Teochew Store had the wonderful privilege of conducting "Fun with Teochew" interactive introductory language class at Singapore's leading Chinese language bookstore Maha Yu Yi.
Minying, who is the Teochew language reader for our Wa Si Teochew Kia—My First 120 Teochew Expressions multimedia flashcards, led a group of children to learn through games family address terms and emotion expressions in Teochew, as well as knowledge about Teochew and its culture.

Vivian Lee: Passing on the Teochew language with technology and dedication
Teochew Gasig (潮州教室) is an Instagram and Facebook platform that teaches and explains daily Teochew words and phrases in English, Indonesian and Mandarin. Since its inception in 2021, it has built a strong following among young Teochews from many countries.
The founder of Teochew Gasig is Vivian Lee, who lives on Batam Island. What made this member of Generation Z want to promote our ageless and charming Teochew language to other youngsters on social media? Recently The Teochew Store has had the privilege to chat with Vivian to find out about her journey in running Teochew GaSig.
潮州教室(Teochew GaSig )是一个用英语、印尼语及华语来教授及解释日常潮州词语及短语的Instagram、Facebook账号。自2021年创办至今,深受各国年轻潮州人的欢迎。

居住在印尼巴淡岛的李佳纹小姐是潮州教室的创办人。究竟是什么原因让作为Z世代的她,开始在社交媒体向年轻人推广潮州话这门历史悠久、别具魅力的语言?近日,潮舖The Teochew Store特别连线佳纹,请她与我们分享创办“潮州教室”的心路历程。
Lim Ngian Tiong: Reviving Teochew language starts at home

Lim Ngian Tiong, Nigel, is a veteran Teochew language radio newscaster and teacher in Singapore. He has been actively spreading Teochew language and culture through the radio, opera stage and classroom for half a century.
Coincidently 2023 marks Lim Ngian Tiong’s 50th anniversary as a Teochew language radio newscaster and his 20th year as a language teacher. Lim Ngian Tiong has also served as language instructor and event host for the annual "Lai Bia Teochew Ue" (來拼潮州話) quiz competition for Teochew language enthusiasts in Singapore since 2020.
The Teochew Store had the pleasure of speaking with Lim Ngian Tiong recently to learn about his journey in promoting Teochew language and culture, and to pick up some tips for young people interested in learning to speak Teochew.

潮舖The Teochew Store 特别连线林仰忠先生,请他与我们分享在推广潮语及潮州文化的心路历程,并为有心学习潮州话的年轻人解疑答惑。
Recipe for making Soon Kueh using winter bamboo shoots
Here is a recipe from Singapore for making Soon Kueh using winter bamboo shoots (dang soon 冬笋)
Courtesy of Mr Tan Peng Boon.
Follow The Teochew Store on Telegram/ 欢迎订阅潮舗的Telegram频道,获得最新资讯:
Wa Si Teochew Kia now available at Bras Basah, Singapore

Recipe for making Ku Chai (chives) Kueh
Here is a recipe from Singapore for making Ku Chai (chives) Kueh.
Courtesy of Mr Tan Peng Boon.
Follow The Teochew Store on Telegram/ 欢迎订阅潮铺的Telegram频道,获得最新资讯:
Recipe for making Ko-le (cabbage) Kueh
Here is a recipe from Singapore for making Ko-le (Cabbage) Kueh.
Courtesy of Mr Tan Peng Boon.
Follow The Teochew Store on Telegram/ 欢迎订阅潮铺的Telegram频道,获得最新资讯:
A Recipe for making Deluxe Png Kueh
Here is a recipe from Singapore for making a deluxe version of our Teochew Png Kueh. Compared to png kueh commonly sold in the market, it uses quality and a generous amount of ingredients. Commentary in the video is in English.
Courtesy of Mr Tan Peng Boon.
Follow The Teochew Store on Telegram/ 欢迎订阅潮铺的Telegram频道,获得最新资讯:
Not Quite As Easy As ABC
Finding the proper Teochew terms to help 3-year-olds pick up a basic vocabulary in the Teochew language is surely as easy as ABC.
This was what we told ourselves when we set out to create Wa Si Teochew Kia—My First 120 Teochew Expressions Multimedia Flashcards 精选一百二十潮语词语》- 多媒体早教图卡), a set of educational flashcards with animated videos developed specially for babies and toddlers to learn their mother tongue together with their parents.
Then, we came to the word "mother"... Read more about some of the challenging decisions we faced in conceptalising and designing The Teochew Store’s first in-house product, which we realised through the generous funding of more than 100 backers from 14 different countries on Kickstarter last year.
The 3rd "Teochew Language Challenge" (来拚潮州话啦!),

Hurry! Closing date for registration is on 4 December 2022.
A Final Push 最后的冲刺

We are entering the final 50 hours of our Wa Si Teochew Kia – My First 120 Teochew Expressions Kickstarter campaign. As we make our final push, do continue to help us tell more people about our project. Thank you!
To learn about this project or contribute to our crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, please click here.
Restoring Teochew to Our Families 助力潮州话在家中的复兴

Parents, do you still remember the excitement of watching your newborn open his/her fingers for the first time? Or executing the first rollovers? Sitting up, standing, and walking?
All these “firsts” are swiftly achieved one after another. These are glorious days when new parents are still in a state of wonder, but the baby seems to know exactly what to do next as if he/she is pre-programmed. How many times are we led to believe our precious baby can master just about anything, and will one day become everything he/she is destined for?
Then the child learns to talk...
Final 7 Days of Our Crowdfunding Campaign 我们众筹活动最后七天

Have we mentioned that you can get our Wa Si Teochew Kia – My First 120 Teochew Expressions flashcards (3 boxes of 40 cards each, recommended retail price: S$60) now for just S$55? At the same time, you will receive personal copies of our 10 flashcard videos and your name will be included in the credits at the end of our videos as well as on The Teochew Store “Wa Si Teochew Kia My First 120 Teochew Expressions” project page.
We also have other attractive rewards, such as attractive Wa Si Teochew Kia family characters portrait tote bags and T-shirts of our adorable Wa Si Teochew Kia family characters.
此外,我们还有其他的礼品选择。例如印有“我是潮州囝”卡通全家福的手提袋和印有”我是潮州囝“卡通人物的T恤衫 。
If you are looking for a special gift idea, how about getting our partner illustrators to hand paint a personalised cartoon portrait of your child?
如果您在寻找一样特别的礼物给您的孩子, 也可以考虑让我们的合作画家为他(她)亲自手绘一幅卡通肖像画。
Everything on our “Wa Si Teochew Kia My First 120 Teochew Expressions” Kickstarter campaign page.这一切尽在《我是潮州囝-精选一百二十潮语词语》Kickstarter众筹网页。
Fun Fact behind Wa Si Teochew Kia Jingle 《我是潮州囝》有趣花絮
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Wa Si Teochew Kia".
Do you know our Wa Si Teochew Kia jingle is sung by J.J., a 3-year-old Teochew boy from Singapore? J.J. also composed the tune as an English counting song for Mummy when she was out for dinner one night.
All children have incredible learning potential.
Wa Si Teochew Kia – My First 120 Teochew Expressions is a set of multimedia flashcards developed by The Teochew Store to help children under 3 learn to speak Teochew together with their parents.
To learn about this project or contribute to our crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, please click here.
Wa Si Teochew Kia – My First 120 Teochew Expressions: Kickstarter Campaign Update 6

Wa Si Teochew Kia – My First 120 Teochew Expressions: Kickstarter Campaign Update 5
《我是潮州囝——精选一百二十潮语词语》早教图卡的筹款活动将在2022年8月15日结束,请大家继续支持我们实现目标,助力潮州话在家中的复兴! 请点击这里,了解这个项目。
Our Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign for Wa Si Teochew Kia—My First 120 Teochew Expressions multimedia flashcards runs till 15th August 2022. Continue to lend us your support today to reach our goal and fulfill our dream of Restoring Teochew to Our Families. Please click here to learn more about our project.