The Teochew Store Blog / USA
Tan Wanxuan:Documenting Images to showcase diverse Teochew cultures

In recent months, a series of short videos about overseas Teochews have gone viral on Douyin (TikTok), Facebook and other popular social media platforms, and captured the attention of Teochew communities in China and abroad. The videos originate from the official accounts of the Teochew cuisine documentary, “Flavours of Teochew from the Four Seas” (四海潮味, unofficial English translation). Featuring humorous and touching live stories of Teochew people living in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and France, the clips take on a refreshing perspective to present the blending of the Teochew identity with a diversity of local cultures.
Tan Wanxuan (陳婉璇), who hails from Teo-ann (潮安) district in Teochew, China, is the external liaison and producer of this documentary, as well as the director and editor of these short videos. Using Teochew food as a medium, “Flavours of Teochew from the Four Seas” describes the culture, customs and emotional longing for home of Teochew people from different corners of the world. How did Wanxuan become part of this documentary? What has she gained from her travels to these countries to interview and document about our Teochew cuisine and people? The Teochew Store was in touch with Wanxuan to learn about her story and “Flavours of Teochew from the Four Seas”.

Teochew through the eyes of its visitors: Adele M. Fielde's "Woman in China"
8th March is International Women’s Day. On this special day, we share Adele M. Fielde’s insightful observations, as an American Baptist Christian missionary, on the lives of women in Teochew 145 years ago. It is to the sacrifices of many of these women whom we owe what we have today.
An exciting new Teochew language project has launched on Kickstarter!: Let's support it
The Teochew Store spoke with Jennifer to find out about her story and this wonderful project:

Wa Si Teochew Kia – My First 120 Teochew Expressions: Kickstarter Campaign Update 6

Wa Si Teochew Kia – My First 120 Teochew Expressions: Kickstarter Campaign Update 4

We are grateful to Jeunes Teochew de France for helping promote Wa Si Teochew Kia – My First 120 Teochew Expressions in the French language on Instagram, as well as Singapore TeoChew Nang SG and Learn-Teochew for kind their assistance on supporting this project on Facebook. They are all actively promoting our Teochew culture and language, so do “like” and follow their accounts as well.
潮舗非常感谢Jeunes Teochew de France (法國青年潮州人) 用法语在Instagram宣传我们的项目——《我是潮州囝——精选一百二十潮语词语》。我们也非常感谢 Singapore TeoChew Nang SG 与 Learn-Teochew 在Facebook为我们的项目做宣传。他们一直在热诚地发扬和分享潮州文化及语言,请大家一起”点赞”并订阅他们的页面。
In recent days, we received our first backings from Thailand, Switzerland and Germany. Because of everyone’s support, we have crossed the 90% mark of our crowdfunding (yeah!).
Continue to help us bring this project to life. Please click here.
Wa Si Teochew Kia – My First 120 Teochew Expressions: Kickstarter Campaign Update 3

Wa Si Teochew Kia – My First 120 Teochew Expressions: Kickstarter Campaign Update 2

Wa Si Teochew Kia – My First 120 Teochew Expressions: Kickstarter Campaign Update 1

We are heartened to share that we have crossed the 20% mark of our crowdfunding, even though we are less than 48 hours into the campaign. Many thanks to our backers, who come from Singapore, the USA, Australia and the UK.
Old Book on the Shelf: Primary Lessons in Swatow Grammar (Colloquial)

A PDF copy of Primary Lessons in Swatow Grammar (Colloquial) is now available for free download on our online store.
Primary Lessons in Swatow Grammar was published by American Baptist missionary Rev William Ashmore in Swatow in 1884, despite suffering partial loss of sight for a prolonged period because of ophthalmia. He accomplished this with the assistance of Rev. William Duffus of the English Presbyterian Mission, who had charge of a small press.
Teochews in America
Today's Teochew presence in the United States was largely established after a wave of migration in the 1970s and 1980s. However, do you know that historical shipping records show that about 40,000 coolies were shipped from Swatow to the country between 1852 to 1858, and some of them might have formed their own fishing settlements on the West Coast? Learn about this and various stories of success achieved by the Teochews in America in this documentary produced by Shantou Television 22 years ago.
Brief Review – Primary Lessons in Swatow Grammar (Colloquial)

Were These Two Brothers the First Teochews in America?