The Teochew Store Blog / popular music
We have 10,000 fans on YouTube!
We don't mention this enough. The Teochew Store has our own YouTube channel (with 10,000 fans now!), with a number of curated playlists with videos for Teochew language lessons, trendy music, films, documentary, culture, opera and children too!
Teochew Song: My Dearest Mother 潮州歌曲:親愛媽媽 (English translations to lyrics)
Remember the days when I was small
Mountain flowers in bloom and fragrance filled the air
Hearing her soft voice teaching me to read poems
慈母线 游子衣
The compassionate mother’s threads sew the clothes on the wandering son
Delicateness and warmth by my side
倚着伊 满是温馨欢喜
Leaning against her, it's full of warmth and happiness
Wa Si Teochew Kia Announcement
An exciting new project for our very young is coming soon! 一个专为宝宝设计的项目即将启动, 敬请期待!
The Last Day of the Chinese New Year
Today is the 15th and last day of the Chinese New Year. Also called Tsap Ngou Meh 十五暝 or Nguang Siao Zoih 元宵節.
Teochews mark this day with prayers for the family, more feasting, riddle guessing games and open lantern parades. Because this day provided a rare opportunity for single young men and women to meet publicly in the past, it has also been compared as the "Chinese Valentine's Day".
On this beautiful note, we leave you with this wonderful Teochew language remix of Zhou Xuan's famous 1940 classic "Full Moon Blooming Flower" (月圓花好).
1987 Teochew Musical Movie - Sounds of Teochew 《潮人鄉音》
Have you ever watched a Teochew musical movie? Check out this rare classic that showcases a variety of Teochew art forms, including cross talk (相聲), bamboo clapper singing (竹板歌), Teochew classical music (潮州音樂), Teochew opera (潮劇), Teochew narrative songbooks (潮州歌冊), ballads (歌謠), etc.
5 Teochew Songs to Start Your Day 五首開啟新一天的潮語歌
How about kicking off the first week of the New Year with 5 Teochew songs to start your day?
Be Surprised - We Teochews Can Sing, and Beautifully So.
As an overseas Teochew, you probably have at least one, or two, or more favourite Cantonese or Mandarin pop song that grew up with you. And sometimes as the familiar tunes play themselves in your mind, you wonder, why can't we have the same in Teochew?
The Teochew songs that we had always been exposed to, apart from Teochew opera ones that we may appreciate but cannot understand, were folk ballads that can be cringeworthy, if not downright weird.
Thankfully, things are not all that bad. You see, we Teochews are not only good humoured, our language is rhythmic, we are creative, adaptable and we can sing too.
Click "read more" for a selection of Teochew songs that you'd fall in love with.
Teochew Movie "Proud of Me" Theme Song: "Father Have You Eaten?" 潮州電影《爸,我一定行的》主题曲: 老父您食未
Teochew Movie "Proud of Me" publicity video 潮州電影《爸,我一定行的》預告片
The first made-in-Teochew movie to be screened soon nationwide in China in recent times. Video uploaded for entertainment purpose.
Teochew Chinese New Year Song: "Home to Spend the New Year" 潮州-新年歌: 《回家過年》
Teochew Sentimental Song: "Dream of Cung Hiang" 潮州-情感歌曲: 《春香夢》
Lyrics 作詞:口袋易百
Music 作曲:李緒傑
Teochew Short Film 潮语微电影: Love in Teoswa 《缘来潮汕》
Teochew song 潮語歌曲: The Cares of a Loving Mother 慈母個牽掛
Watch TV or listen to radio from Teochew on your smartphone? - Now You Can (Part 1)
汕头橄榄台 is an app produced by the Shantou Radio and Television Station (STRTV, 汕头市广播电视台). It serves as a platform to access local news on official announcements, current affairs, food and other activities. Both iOS and Android versions of this app can be downloaded for free from its official site
Teochew Folk Song (modern cover version) 現代歌詩 - 挨米來飼雞(潮州民謠翻唱版)
A retro-remix of an "oldie" out from Malaysia, entirely appropriate for welcoming the exciting Year of the Rooster!
Teochew Reggae Music: B.O.K
(click Read More for lyrics)
Teochew Sentimental Song: "Destined" 潮州-情感歌曲: 《注定》
Teochew remake of Danny Chan's (陳百強) evergreen Cantonese favourite Just Loving You (偏偏喜歡你). (click for lyrics)
Teochew Rock Music: “Small Town Teochew" 潮州-摇滚歌曲: 《小城潮汕》
Some of us would have heard at least a couple of pieces by popular Teochew rap group AFinger. Now how about Teochew rock music! “Small Town Teochew" 《小城潮汕》 by Teng Hiok Seng 湯旭昇. (Click Read More for full lyrics)
Teochew-Mandarin Music 潮州-华语流行歌曲: 《潮汕姿娘》“The Teochew Girl"
A lively song by popular Teochew female singer Mona Zhang 张梦弘. MV is shot in her hometown Pholeng 普宁. Click "read more" for full lyrics.
How many ways can you sing the favourite Teochew lullaby?
For some of us, childhood came with the blessing of having grandma singing us to sleep with one or two soothing tunes in Teochew. But even if you were not so fortunate, you'd probably still have come across on social media an all-time favourite Teochew lullaby "Ong ah ong, ong kin kong" (唪啊唪 唪金公).
You have not? Don't worry, there are several versions circulating on YouTube to make sure you don't miss out..
Teochew Chinese New Year Song 潮州新年歌曲:擔句好話賀新年
Not a exactly new New Year Song, but trendy and uplifting for all Gaginang. 祝福大家新年快樂,萬事如意
Teochew Song: "Walking Hand In Hand" 潮州流行歌曲《手牵手行》
Falling in love with Teochew music already...
Teochew Song: Tea Language 潮州流行歌曲:《茶语》
Tea Language《茶语》, a song of a Teochew working abroad reminiscing about family conversations at home.
Teochew Song: Ah Ma 潮州流行歌曲《阿嬷》
Ah Ma 阿嬷, a song for one of the most important persons in many of our lives.